Howdy! You might have noticed a few changes on the website recently. Chocolatey has grown up quite a lot since the initial design of the site and we wanted to bring a much more consistent look and feel. We looked out across the industry of websites for modern automation tools and were inspired to take a step back and a hard look at what we had. What we’ve come up highlights both our product and our amazing community, all on the same site!
The design is fresh, crisp, and brings many performance improvements to help you find the information you need, faster. Keep reading to learn about just a few of the key features you don’t want to miss!
Where Did Everything Go?!
Here is a handy list for you to get familiar with the website navigation:
- Community Packages - From the top navigation click Community > Community Packages
- Documentation - To get to the Chocolatey Documentation, from the top navigation click Learn > Docs
- Contact - To get to the Contact area, from the top navigation click About > Contact
- Sitemap - For a quick guide to all important links on the Chocolatey website, visit our sitemap. Navigate to the bottom navigation and click Learn > Sitemap
Interactive Chocolatey Courses
You’ve asked for it, and now it’s here! Introducing Chocolatey Courses, where you can learn everything you need to know about Chocolatey in an easy-to-consume interactive course. Each course is made of many modules, and within each module you will be tested over the material you just covered. Once you complete every module within a course, you will be awarded a digital badge. Earn badges and show them off on your profile page so everyone knows you’re a Chocolatey Pro!
Go to Chocolatey CoursesChocolatey Videos, Case Studies, and Customer Success Stories
Along with Chocolatey Courses, we’ve added a Resource Library to help you find articles that may help you achieve your Chocolatey goals. In the Resource Library, you’ll find Case Studies, Chocolatey Videos, Customer Success Stores, and more!
Go to Chocolatey ResourcesCommunity Package Repository
A Fresh New Look
The Chocolatey Community Repository got a makeover! The new look features a grid view of packages, in a clean Chocolatey theme. All the same functionality still exist, only now in an eaiser to view format. At the top of each package page you’ll notice a simple tabbed interface that contains commands for you to easily copy/paste for installing, upgrading, and installing.
We’re excited to announce that packages have an included section for organizations as well, to really help organizations reuse packages from the community repository in recommended ways. Simply pick enter your internal repository url and copy from your chosen deployment method!
Updates for Maintainers
1. Improvements to Moderation Filtering
You’ve always been able to see how many packages in moderation, but now you can filter down by packages that are “Waiting for Maintainer”, or “Ready for Review”, etc. Click the header counts to view the packages, or drill down further with the dropdown list that appears while in the moderation queue.
2. Choose Your Default Package View
Are you a moderator who spends a lot of time in the Moderator Queue? Well, good news. Now you can make the Moderator Queue your default view, so whenever you go to the Community Packages area you’ll instantly be taken to where you need to go. Changing your view is easy, simply navigate to the Moderator Queue and toggle the switch located near the search filters!
3. Legible Package Communication Area
If you are moderator/maintainer/admin you know how sometimes it has been difficult to keep up in a conversation of a package. Now, each comment is broken down and organized in a way where you can easily get to the information you need and respond appropriately.
4. Show/Hide All Files
Other Changes are Coming
- Documentation - We are working on making the documentation much more consumable to allow you to easily find what you need and get the proper information, with the proper context to you in a much more approachable format.
- Better Moderation Flow - We’ll be streamlining some of the moderation flow.
- Updated Infrastructure - We’ve nearly outgrown our current infrastructure and we’ll be making some long-planned for changes that ensure better availability and uptime.
And these are just the more near-term changes! Stay tuned, as we have some more interesting things under wraps that we think you are going to love!
Written By:
Chocolatey News Team
Chocolatey Software enriches lives by empowering technologists with powerful and flexible yet simple solutions that automate the complexities of software deployment, configuration, and management.
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